Forum Discussion

  • (1) Go to the field page for the table - the URL has this format:

    h t t p s ://<subdomain><table dbid>?a=listfields

    (2) Then press F12 to expose the developer tools for your browser

    (3) In the console tab paste one of these two scripts

    _.pluck(gTableInfo[gReqDBID].finfo, "name").join(",")

    _.pluck(gTableInfo[gReqDBID].finfo, "name").join("\n")

    (4) Copy out your list of field names

    (5) Celebrate your newfound joy of using JavaScript
  • I got to step 3 but nothing happened.  Do you have a little bit more explanation of the Step 3 naming process or is it exactly as you posted?
  • Hey this worked pretty slick!  Now if I am greedy and also want to include Field ID with the Field Label list, how do I add that piece?  I've tried to edit the code to add Field ID and FID like this, but this is not pulling any more than the record name.   _.pluck(gTableInfo[gReqDBID].finfo, "name", "fid").join("\n")
  • Here is the code to log the fid and field name to the console as a table display and as CSV:

    console.table([gReqDBID].finfo, (field, fid) => { return [fid,]; })); console.log(_.reduce(gTableInfo[gReqDBID].finfo, (memo, field, fid) => { return memo + '${fid},${}\n'; }, "" ));


    (1) This code uses widely supported ES6 features:
    • backticks for string interpolation
    • fat arrow functions (ie =>)
    I will increasingly use more ES6 features in my answers and demos and drop using jQuery. Ask if you need more information to make sense of the code.

    (2) underscorejs is used to map gTableInfo[gReqDBID].finfo into an array of arrays in the first instance and to reduce gTableInfo[gReqDBID].finfo to a CSV string in the second.
    • TonyScott's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Late reply to an old thread, but how hard would it be for QB to put an export function here instead of worrying about changing reports and other features that make no meaningful difference?  This seems like a basis admin feature that is (still 4 years later) completely missed by QB.

      Tony Tony
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        There is not a download button, but I was able to copy and paste the field list  from the Quickbase page into Excel.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach