Forum Discussion

BullseyeBullsey's avatar
Qrew Cadet
8 years ago

Is it possible to filter a map report on the mobile version?

I have just started with QuickBase, and I am trying to figure out if map reports can be filtered using the mobile version.  We have a very large number of customers/leads, and our sales people need to be able to visualize customers within a city/district/county.  Aside from creating literally hundreds of reports for each individual city, is there a way to select filters on the mobile version?

Thank you for your help!

  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    The mobile version is very limited at the moment.  With the new User Interface release of "Mercury" later this year, mobile filters will be added.

    In the mean time, I'd recommend creating a report that asks the user for the "city" or whatever filtering criteria needed.

    The filter would be something like;
    Show "clients" where "city" is equal to "Ask the User"

    Then they can just type in the city. 
    You could add multiple "ask the user" options if they want more filtering options.
  • I'm having an issue with utilizing "ask the user" filter options on a Calendar report as they should appear as a selection, but instead are asking for text. If my users don't type it in exactly as it is listed, I'm guessing nothing appears. Additionally when I test it, the "GO" on the report doesn't present anything even when I know the text entered is correct (as opposed to the Full Site for which they utilize the drop down selections and there is no concern.) Is this the same known issue and related to above?
    • MCFNeil's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      If the field is coming from a relationship, Use the "Related Item" field as the "Ask the User", not the "Item" field.
  • I have not worked much with mobile, but a work a round could be to have the mobile user see a list of the list of selections (a report) and then have a button there to launch the report.

    To make the button, you would first make the <ask the user> report (which it sounds like you already have)  and then make a formula URL field like this

    URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_TABLE_NAME_goes here] & "?a=q&qid=XX&nv=1&v0=" & urlencode([the field which has the <ask the user> answer])

    Replace XX with the report ID#.