Forum Discussion

BrianPierron's avatar
Qrew Trainee
6 years ago

Is there a way to track who modified a specific field being changed?

Is there a way to track who modified a specific field being changed? I have a a check box called "Checked In". I would like to be able to see which user selected this option and when it was done so it could be referenced later if needed. There may be other changes in the form that could occur after the "check In' box was selected so i can not relay on the "last modified by" remarks on the bottom of the form to specifically provide accurate details as to who changed the specific  checkbox once other fields are edited in the future.  
  • Hi Brian,

    This is often a really great use of Actions or Quick Base Automations to help you track when a specific field is changing. Actions/ Automations can be set up to trigger off of specific field changes and can capture certain pieces of information. In this instance you could create an Audit table to track when a checkbox field was checked and by who. When I do this I usually make a table called Audit and include the following fields:

    Record ID of Parent Record
    Date Modified 

    this way you have a place to put the Record ID of the record that triggered the change, when it was changed, and who is it was trained by. Then on the table that has the checkbox you create an Automation so that whenever a record on this table is edited and specifically the Checked in field is changed create a record in the new Audit table and copy over the record id, date modified, and modified by fields. This way each time that checkbox field is changed a new record is created to capture everything you know. Now you have an Audit table you can set permissions on so that only specific people can see or everyone can see the record of changes. I hope this information is helpful.
    • AdamHollman's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Hi Evan,
      Hope you're well.
      I found your response very useful above and also want to track all changes to all fields in my productions database. I have over 100 fields, isn't there a way I can run an automation which creates a new record in an 'update' database but copies over which field was changed and the actual change in the field without linking the specific field in productions to the field in updates. I basically don't want to have to copy the whole records fields, i just want to copy which specific field has changed into the update database. Thanks

      Adam Hollman
      • EvanMartinez's avatar
        Quickbase Staff
        Hi Adam,

        It can get kind of complicated to track that much change and still be able to target just the field that changes to copy over. It isn't something I have built out before but some of those community members here might have their own suggestions. I will say since this first response our Audit Log functions have also grown to allow for better tracking of field changes as an option as well.

        Evan Martinez
        Community Marketing Manager