Forum Discussion

JessicaAdkins's avatar
Qrew Cadet
8 years ago

Is there any way to copy data from an Excel file and paste it in the Grid Edit report?

I am attempting to copy data from an Excel file and past it into the Grid Edit report. I know you can manually click each field and edit data in the grid edit, but I thought at one point, you could paste by "filling down."

I am beginning to think my only option is to import the .CSV file. However, I have had horrible luck with doing this as the fields never seem to match once imported.

Please help me!
  • You cannot copy & paste into grid edit.  Using the import tool; you need to either a) match each and every field into the correct QuickBase field by checking each selection (use the checkbox to turn off 1st Row is Field Name) so that you can see what the column heading is from your spreadsheet and then match that column to the correct field in the table.

    The other option is to extract from QuickBase a report containing the fields that you plan on importing back to QuickBase.  Remember to include the [Record ID#] or Key Field of the table.

    Then copy/paste your info into the exported spreadsheet in the right columns.  Then when you do your Import; the fields should automatically align themselves correctly (you should ALWAYS visually validate) before clicking IMPORT.  If you don't do this, your data will either a) go into the wrong columns (which is a problem), b) not import because the field types are different and c) overwrite existing data which you then cannot undo.

    Use the Import/Export window and always visually check each column heading is being imported to the correct column in QuickBase.
  • .... actually, I think that you can copy and paste from excel into Grid edit.  I just spend an hour a couple of days ago coaxing data into an app for a client.

    The trick is that Excel is from Microsoft. And IE or whatever they call their Browser these days is from Microsoft.  those two play nice together.  So you can copy and paste from Excel into Grid Edit in Internet Explorer browser.
    • RubyKapil2's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Have you tried it on WIndows 10, it is clunky and doesn't seem to paste. I got it work first time but after that it, it will bring up message to allow access to Clipboard, then when I select paste, nothing happens.
  • It worked for me once but now it does not.  I've tried using Qbase from IE browser and no difference.  I thinking maybe I was using Firefox or Chrome.  Anybody else get this technique to work consistently
    • MichaelTamoush's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      I've been able to get it consistently working in Firefox, but haven't been able to get it to work in Chrome or Edge.

      Only thing in firefox is you have to right click and paste. Ctrl V does not work.

      If anyone else comes up with anything to have it work in other browsers, please post on this thread!

      **UPDATE: I can only copy paste up to 4 records at a time, as that is the 'limit' that QB has to addon (the 4 extra blank lines). Has anyone been able to copy paste more than that?

      Mike Tamoush
    • MichaelTamoush's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      Just to confirm what you said, I also was not able to get it to work in IE. For me, the only browser that works is Firefox.

      Mike Tamoush
  • Does anybody find solution in Chrome to paste in Grid Edit?
    Maybe there is a need to turn-on some chrome://flags which would allow such functionality?
    • AdamKrzyzanek's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      BTW - I issued this question with example to Google Chrome team.
      Wondering if they replay anything :)
      • TateForgey's avatar
        Qrew Assistant Captain
        Just putting my +1 on this and bumping. 

        I realize this is a browser issue and I realize this might not be in the category of main functionality, but I really need this right now.  The simple act of being able to copy and paste into a grid edit report will allow us to effectively integrate reports from disparate systems easily and efficiently.  Sadly, it is not easy because copy and paste is not consistent across browsers.  Any workaround is appreciated, but something akin to the paste special in Firefox integrated directly into Quick Base so that it works regardless of browsers would be ideal.

        Tate Forgey