I am getting really tired of not being able to control the app bar/UI color at either a user or app level. How is quickbase an enterprise app if it can't be configured to follow corporate design guidelines of at least a color scheme? First, everything was shaded blue, so i had to design all of our buttons and rich text fields in our app to match the blue just to get a coherent palette on screen, even if it wasn't (our) palette. Now it's purple, so we either live with blue and purple mix, or I get to spend all day recoloring field design elements to match. The new design is a step in the right direction, but anything that forcibly faces the end user (ie app bar) that we can't control should be a design NEUTRAL color (ie white or gray, just like the rest of the forced UI) ...You like purple, fine. Just don't force it down our throats. Either make it NEUTRAL or modifiable.