Forum Discussion

ColleenBurch's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Join table has many matches: how to embed reports

Hierarchy: Roles < Templates < Classes < Points
I have 5 tables: Roles, Templates, Classes, Points, and a join table that has several match types, since it's a many to many in all cases: 
 - Role to Template
 - Template to Class
 - Class to Point
I am able to successfully create embedded records based on the match types above.  However, I need to roll up grandchildren:
 - Points into the Templates table
 - Classes into the Roles table
And roll up great grandchildren:
 - Points into the Roles table

I have tried the structure (attached) without success.

Colleen Burch
  • It's not really clear to me what your hierarchal structure is but keep in mind that you can make a Report Link field which will have your embedded report on any table you want. A report link field can run a report for any record against any other table in your app or in fact in any app that you have permission to access.  

    So suppose you are on a table that is near the top of your hierarchy and suppose that the field you wanna match on is the record ID of that top top parent record.  Let's say that your top level record is Roles.  If you can coax the field for that record ID down to any child records then you simply make a report link field on the role record. On the left side of the configuration will be just [Record ID#].  On the right side of the configuration you will click and navigate back to your application and then back to the field on the trail door great great grandchild record that also has the record idea of that role.  

    Is a quirk of Quickbase that when you go to configure the report link field it's in a pop-up window and once in your life you will have to click probably near the right side of your browser URL window to "always allow  pop-ups from Quickbase.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • ColleenBurch's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Thank you for this information.  When I pulled the field for that record ID down to the grandchildren and great grandchildren, some, but not all, records populate in the embedded report.  I used combined text fields to pull from the match lookup to the grand parent (templates) and great grandparent (roles) tables. See attached diagram for the hierarchy structure and how I utilized combined text fields and lookups.  Is this the right way to structure this, given I have 1 join table with different match types?

      Colleen Burch
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        If you'd like, contact me directly by the email in my signature line and I will have a quick look at your actual relationships. I can't really tell the actual relationships from that Excel sheet you posted.

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)