Forum Discussion

AshleyAshley1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
10 years ago

Line and Bar Graph - Can we put the Line and Bar on the same axis?

Hi - I'm looking to create a Line and Bar graph where the line and bar use the same axis. Is this possible? Seems to me there is no option to use the same axis only the option to use a line and bar on separate axis. Thanks

  • Hey sorry for the delay in getting back and thank you for your response. I am aware of how to get to the line and bar graph report type, my question is instead of the Line going on a "primary" Y axis and the Bar going on a "secondary" Y axis can they both be put on the same axis. Essentially what I want is for the axis scaling to be the same for the bar and the line. At the moment they are different, even when i use the same numerical field for the line and bar.
  • wish there was a way to do what Ashley is asking for here.   If both the lines and bars could be on the primary Y axis it would make a lot more sense visually for what I am doing. 
  • Hey Ashley! 

    Thanks for reaching out to the Community! With our new charts, you can have the data values for the Line and Bar Chart on the Y-Axis. 

    To create this chart, go to your Table Settings, select Reports & Charts and then click New Report or Chart. Select Chart from the pop-up and in the Chart Type select Line and Bar (see screenshot:

    If you need any help setting this up, feel free to comment on this post or submit a support case so our team can take a closer look at your application.


  • I'm in the same boat as Ashley and Paul. I looked at Dan's message indicating using a script but am afraid I'm confused as how to do this.
  • Lee and Ashley -

    Another option is to use Google charts.  There are lots of them and you can put Google's free code in a Quick Base code page.  The chart you design with the Google code then shows up in your Quick Base app.  The team at CloudBase Services and I can help if you want.  Just contact us through the website link

  • Please vote for QB to update this feature so that the line and bar appear on the same axis: