Forum Discussion

LB's avatar
Qrew Cadet
9 months ago

Multi-select text field

I have a multiselect text field that has 20 options in the field currently - If the user selects one of the options marked no, is it possible to make it to where the other 19 options can't be selected?

  • Kind of - but not the way you're thinking with hiding or disabling the options. You'd need form rules to control or limit the entry. You could use form rules to: 

    1. If they select No make the field read only so they can't pick anymore. Then have a checkbox or something next to it for 'Clear' that will remove No and unlock the entry with another field
    2. Make a form rule that when the Multi Select includes No that it always resets the Value to just no. So if they try and select another option they can, but the form rule just clears it back out and you could display a message. 

    Chayce Duncan
    • LB's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Ok, I think I also should have pointed out that the form I'm working in is the old version not the current form build version

      • ChayceDuncan's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        It should work on both versions of the form with minimal issues

        Chayce Duncan
  • AlexWilkinson's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    FWIW, for situations like this, I've gradually come to the conclusion that (a) multi-select text fields are great for viewing a record and for reports, but (b) an array of checkboxes is a lot easier for data-input for most users, so (c) I create check-boxes plus a formula-multiselect field like this example:


    Then you would not need a checkbox for "No" or a form-rule. You just modify the formula-field by making the List() portion above (without the Split) into a var ... like this

    var text mylist=List( ...)


    Alex Wilkinson

    • LB's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Alex - that is an interesting solution that I will surely look at maybe implementing in another app - thank you!
