4 years agoQrew Trainee
"My Apps" malfunction? Some users shown different apps every day!
Reaching out to the community to see if this is just me or if others have this issue as well!
We opened a support ticket because we added two new users via groups (added them to user groups that have access to about 45 apps vs manually adding them to each of the 45 apps). Since doing this, every day they log in their "my apps" page displays a different number of apps. At times they are only shown 50% of what they really have access/are added to - and they've not made any of these hidden. I show them as having access on my end and I end up needing to stop what I'm doing to send them a manual invite to the app so they can access it.
Support says this is expected behavior - do you all face the same issues!?
Marissa Zepeda
We opened a support ticket because we added two new users via groups (added them to user groups that have access to about 45 apps vs manually adding them to each of the 45 apps). Since doing this, every day they log in their "my apps" page displays a different number of apps. At times they are only shown 50% of what they really have access/are added to - and they've not made any of these hidden. I show them as having access on my end and I end up needing to stop what I'm doing to send them a manual invite to the app so they can access it.
Support says this is expected behavior - do you all face the same issues!?
Marissa Zepeda