Forum Discussion

DougCrandall's avatar
Qrew Cadet
3 years ago

Pipeline error message

For you pipeline experts out there, can anyone please tell me why I get this error message after trying to drag a Billing Address field from a created record onto a create record field?
This pipeline was originally created using just a city and zip text field (not using the Billing Address fields) and when I modified the app by utilizing the Billing Address field and tried to update my pipeline with values from this field, it started throwing this error message.

Do I need to recreate the pipeline completely?

Doug Crandall
  • This seems like a known bug. Did you drag the field name over, and it came in as {{a.Billing Address_postal_code}}? If so, then just put _ where there is a space. {{a.Billing_Address_postal_code}}.

    John Crosland
  • I believe that this is related to a known bug that has not been fixed.  Pipelines do not like the address component fields when the name of your address has two words.  Hand edit to substitute an _ underscore instead of any space.


    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • DougCrandall's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Thank you to Mark and John for the quick and helpful reply! It is now working again. :-)

      Doug Crandall