Forum Discussion

IvanWeiss's avatar
Qrew Captain
5 years ago

Pipelines - Mailchimp Connection Amazing

I just have to share something, not a question on this one....  I had to use Pipelines yesterday for the first time to build an integration with Mailchimp and it was incredible.  We needed to issue a COVID-19 mass email and our old way of creating a mailchimp distribution was a disaster.  Employees sending in spreadsheets iwth bad data etc.  We have a contact database in QuickBase.  I created a pipeline to load all existing contacts into mail chimp in about 2 minutes, boom all done running within a few minutes later.

I created a separate pipeline to add all future newly created contacts right into mailchimp.  

Just an amazing tool so really wanted to share.  We dont use too many other 3rd party software pieces I could see connecting it too but this one was really fantastic.

Ivan Weiss
  • DonLarson's avatar
    Qrew Commander

    That is positive news.   

    Do you have anything to prune the lists as well?  This is one of the use cases that I have been hoping to test at a client when Pipeline becomes widely available.   At our clients I always want to make sure that all contacts are properly statused.  I have got a non profit with "Members"  They are using Constant Contact and the email lists are a disaster.  I want to build a Members list in Constant Contact that grows and shrinks based on the status of the records in the Members table.

    Any sense yet that this will be easy?

    Don Larson
    Westlake OH
    • BrandonDrake's avatar
      Qrew Cadet


      They do not currently have a Channel for Constant Contact… So, not at this point for Constant Contact at least.  If Constant Contact has public API's, you may be able to access those through the Quick Base Webhook channel.  Unfortunately, unless Constant Contact has the ability to send their own webhooks, I am not sure if you will be able to trigger on Constant Contact events.  They have a functionality that allows you to "Link a Record", but I have not played with that to see if it works through generic webhooks or if it only works with current active Channels.  I am a bit surprised that Constant Contact is not a channel they have and was not in the planning stages, at least before they removed all the Upcoming Channels for us to view and now just show this... "Disclaimer: We are working to launch these channels, but plans may change and we cannot guarantee specific delivery dates or that we'll ever deliver certain channels at all."

      Brandon Drake
      JHI Group
      Monroeville OH
    • IvanWeiss's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      You can "unsubscribe" a user based on a trigger from quick base in mailchimp. So yes I would think it is easily doable if using mailchimp. There is no connection to constant contact right now. 

      I also need to update it at some time to let categories carry through if possible. Right now it is one master list. But it would be great to subdivide

      Ivan Weiss
  • Ivan, thank you for posting your positive note on Pipelines.  I am a very novice Quickbase user and also want to attempt to use the Pipeline Feature to integrate Quickbase data to Mailchimp, but when I attempt to create a Pipeline, Mailchimp appears as a disconnected channel, and I have no idea how to turn it on, or connect it?  Quickbase says to have Admin turn it on.... I'm the Admin on our account.

    Any note or tip is appreciated.

    Jeff Rogerson

    JRogerson JRogerson
    • IvanWeiss's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Unfortunately I do not remember the exact steps.  But if I recall I believe when I was working with the pipeline it asked me to authenticate my mailchimp account to activate it.

      But I would open a support ticket.  I find quick base support not so great for advanced stuff (community is better for that) but they are great for that easy type of stuff

      Ivan Weiss
      • JeffRogerson's avatar
        Qrew Cadet
        Thanks for the reply.  I was able to figure out how to turn on the Channel (MailChimp), but not much luck on working through the intricate details of making it work.  My immediate need was to get a newsletter out to my members and I thought, cool, an automation that might save me time (which might be true over time), but for my immediate need, it was faster to just merge a csv file.

        cheers, stay safe during these times.


        JRogerson JRogerson