Forum Discussion

NenadIlic's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
8 years ago

Q&A Table report

I'm looking for a way to create a report for Q&A. I have two tables:
1. Questions with 2 fields - Question by (list-user, with default value - current user), and Question (multiple line text field
2. Answers with 2 fields organized in the same way as fields above.

I've connected them in a one-to-many relationship (one Question can have many Answers) 
I want to create an overview where for one Question I can see all answers, or if there aren't any answers to have "add Answer". 
Considering the relationship I already have Add Answer button, but in report customization I don't have the option of reviewing those answers within a question.

If it is possible to have one Question in a field, and see all answers for that question that would be great.
Any help would be appreciated.
  • Hi Nenad,

    You can create a summary field that will calculate all answers (Childs) related to your question (parent) then, you can include this field on the report. if you will drill down this field then, you can see all related answers.

    >If it is possible to have one Question in a field, and see all answers for that question

    if you want to show all the related answers in a single field, then you have to use the famous IOL technique.

    Check out the example here and the related post here.

  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    I'd recommend building your report on the "Answers" table.

    You will want to pass your question down as a lookup (i'm assuming it already is there).

    Then build a table report with the grouping set by the "Questions", then you will have a nice header with the question, and all the answers listed below.
