Forum Discussion

  • Twilio and Pipelines or Zapier can be used to do this,  if you're savvy to build your own functions custom.    I'm currently building this functionality into our system.

    Jeff Peterson
    • BarryDolan's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Quasi-savy, if that's such a thing. Right now we're using Zapier to integrate with Skipio. But, w/o knowing much about Twilio, I think we might be switching to set it up in Pipelines and connect the Twilio channel. I'm still trying to get info on cost/benefits of making this switch. I'd like to think that using Pipelines is going to be more cost-effective, but I don't have enough info to make that hypothesis at this time.

      Ultimately I want to be able to send a text msg from a triggered event in the database to my customers to confirm an appt, among other things.

      Barry Dolan
      • JustinAufiero's avatar
        Qrew Member

        We actually have an Add-On that can do EXACTLY what you're looking for (Text My Quickbase) that we'll be going over in our next Office Hours session on October 12th at 2pm EST.

        We'd love to have you there! You'll be not only be able to learn the basics, but you'll also be able to get any questions you have about the Add-On answered in real time.

        Register here:

        Justin Aufiero
        Juiced Technologies, Inc.
  • Check out the ABC QRCode Example app on the exchange. It uses Google API to send SMS.

    Here is the code in the formula rich text field that accomplishes the SMS:
    "<img src=\";cht=qr&amp;chl=SMSTO%3A"; & [Mobile] & "%3A" & [SMS Message] & "\" alt=\"Send text message to the contact\" title=\"Send text message to the contact\"/>"

    // This code was originally generated at
    // The above link contains URL encoded characters.
    // Legend:
    // %3B ;
    // %3D =
    // %3A :
    // %0A space
    • BarryDolan's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Hello Adam,

      I'm just wondering if there is an updated method for this QR code. I tried the code and got a QR code but it says "no useable data found"


      Barry Dolan
    • RojaM's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Hi Adam,

      How to send message from the QR code.
      Can you please briefly explain?

      Roja M
  • One more suggestion: use Quick Base's Webhooks and a service like Twilio to send SMSs. If you don't know the recipient's carrier, this is probably the cheapest option (though you'll still need to pay Twilio per SMS).
  • Just toss it out there that integration tools like Workato have out of the box features like this - and build in additional features like logging what was sent when, to who etc. A third party tool will give you a little more visibility overall when you're trying to outbound communication
    Chayce Duncan | Technical Lead
    (720) 739-1406 |
    Quandary Knowledge Base
  • There are ways of doing it natively using emails; but there is also a Juiced Technologies' tool to do this as well if you want something more sophisticated.

    Sending sms notifications via email involves knowing the correct format for each phone providers network to send sms throught email.

    Case([Cell Provider],
    "AT&T",[Cell # (as number)]&"",
    "Verizon",[Cell # (as number)]&"",
    "T-Mobile",[Cell # (as number)]&"",
    "Sprint PCS",[Cell # (as number)]&"",
    "Virgin Mobile",[Cell # (as number)]&"",
    "US Cellular",[Cell # (as number)]&"",
    "Nextel",[Cell # (as number)]&"",
    "Boost",[Cell # (as number)]&"",
    "Alltel",[Cell # (as number)]&"",
    "MetroPCS",[Cell # (as number)]&""

    I have this working in one client's app.
    • BLAKECARLSON's avatar
      Qrew Member
      What field or fields do i need to make and how do i integrate them in an email??
