Forum Discussion

AdamKeever1's avatar
Qrew Commander
6 years ago

QB Variable Save and Keep Working Button - Unsupported and Deprecated

Based on the community feedback in this Quick Base Community post:

I have been using a technique that involves using a QB variable defined as...

<a class='Vibrant' style='font-size:12px; color:black; background:#33ff33; white-space:nowrap;' onclick='$("#saveAndKeepWorkingMenuOption").click();'>Next</a>

...and referencing it in a formula rich text field to create a save and keep working button that i can place on a form. It works great on desktop, but not at all on mobile. I was advised to open a user support ticket. This is an easy way to create the record

Here is the feedback from the support ticket:
The function being called cannot be used in a formula field. Furthermore, the features that are being taken advantage of are not intended for public use and will eventually be deprecated.

All said, this is a browser/mobile discrepancy that we do not plan on addressing as the functionality being invoked is generally unsupported.
I just wanted to give a heads up for anyone using this technique so you can find a different solution before the functionality ceases.

  • AustinK's avatar
    Qrew Commander
    That's pretty much the story for anything that isn't native. If you ask them about any of that they give a similar response because it's a use at your own risk kind of thing. They will not support it at all. 

    I'm not sure what their plan is but if the button still exists then you should be able to use it in some way. They might be removing that button entirely, only they know, but I doubt that.