Forum Discussion

AndrewThomas-Ro's avatar
Qrew Trainee
6 years ago

QuickBase Certification: Continuing Education Requirements (Reporting 201 Solve Common Reporting Issues)

Hello all!

I was completing some of the continuing education to maintain certification and I noted a fourth course in the CE section called "Reporting 201 Solve Common Reporting Issues". This doesn't appear to be structured like the previous three CE - it seems to be a webinar. My question is this: does one need to sit through the webinar as a part of the CE requirement to maintain certification next year automatically? Or is this just something supplemental offered for those that are interested or perhaps even just stored in the wrong category on QuickBase University?

Thanks in advance!

  • Andrew,
    In addition to passing a 2018 Certification exam, only the Quarterly Continuing Education courses are required to be automatically granted a 2019 Certification.  The fourth in the series will be release in December.  You'll have until end of January to complete the entire series.
    Remember - you can post you certifications to social media including LinkedIn.  Visit your profile page for the link!