Forum Discussion

AndrewWilber's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

Quickbase form creation wizard Question - Authentication

I was using the Quickbase form creation wizard to embed a form into one of my websites for a generic data entry portal.

I followed the instructions by adding the application token into my app to allow this to all work.

And, when I am already logged into Quickbase it works wonders.

Problem: If I am not yet logged into Quickbase and I try using the form, it will not work.  I get this error:

<?xml version="1.0"?>




<errtext>Sign-in required</errtext>

<errdetail>The page you have requested can be viewed only by users who have signed in. Please sign in to proceed.</errdetail>


Has anyone experienced this / know how to fix it?

Thanks for all the help!
  • MichaelGraham2's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    I always find its easier to create the form in Quick Base and open it up to "everyone on the internet", then direct your link to that form From your website adding "&ifv=20" at the end of the link to hide the Quick Base icons from the user.

    Removing the &ifv=20 will show quick base but you can also overcome this if you use a subdomain and redirect it from your website.   is the same page.
  • I helped Andrew off line and we added &usertoken=xxxxxxxxxxxx into the string and it worked.
    • ClaraNg-Cumming's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Can you give some details on this? I'm getting the same error. How did you generate the xxxxxxxxxxx ?
    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      If you click on your name at the top right, you can assign a usertoken to an app.  But you need to be careful where this is exposed as the user token basically allows anyone how knows that code to "be you" for that app.

      You may want to use a userid with lower permissions for this purpose.
  • Hi Michael

    Can you pass on the javascript code for the "send your enquiry" button?
