Forum Discussion

BobJordan's avatar
Qrew Cadet
7 years ago

Quickbase Sync error: ""Received unexpected error: The operation has timed out

I get this error semi-occasionally when an automatic refresh occurs in my table. It'll sometimes succeed, but other times fail randomly with this message. Unless I'm completely oblivious, I can't find a reference to this error anywhere. The error reads simply reads: 

"Received unexpected error: The operation has timed out"

Is there anything I can do to debug this further?
  • ChrisChris's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    If you have formula fields, be certain you have not inadvertently divided by zero. Check any numeric formula fields you might have for that.
  • DavidJung's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    I posted about similar problems recently. The errors kept on getting worse and worse. QB says it is a known bug (as in they don't know).

    I was able to resolve the problem by linking to a new Google Drive account (one that is shared with the original account). I suspect that if there was a way to 'log out' of my Google account and sign-in again, it would have fixed things without using another account. But all you can do is 'reauthorize'.
  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    It also depends on the type of 'sync' you are doing.  Drive, Box and QB online all have different time out responses/protocol 
  • Re: Formulas divided by 0 - nope, nothing like that in the tables I'm using. It's all text.

    Re: linking to new drive - That's a possible idea, but that means I'd need to re-set all my forms and relationships to the new table. I'd really rather avoid that :(
    Although, you're right, in the past I've also gotten very odd errors preventing the refresh from occurring for hours.

    Re: type of sync - It's using a connection to Box.
  • I have quite a few synced tables throughout my apps, and have connections to google drive as well as QB itself. I get these errors on both the QB-QB and QB-GDrive connections. I mostly ignore it and the table gets updated again later. It is annoying though.