Forum Discussion

QuincyAdam's avatar
Qrew Cadet
5 years ago

QuickBase Sync: You don't have permission to import data into a restricted field.

I am using Quick Base Sync on one of my tables (Contracts) and it recently started displaying this error: The error was: You don't have permission to import data into a restricted field.

It's a Quick Base Sync SFTP. The SFTP credentials appear to be okay when testing it. I checked the permissions of each individual field and of the table and there aren't any restrictions that I'm aware of. I have one role "Everyone on the Internet", that I thought might be an issue, but even that has full access to this table. The Quick Base Sync history provides a link to their common errors, but this one is not listed. I wasn't sure if anyone encountered this particular error and where else to look in the settings.

Quincy Adam
  • Hi Quincy,

    It is a little counter intuitive given the wording of the error you are receiving but to have the right permissions to use a sync table you need to have both add and delete permissions for your Contracts table enabled for your role. I see in the screenshot that delete permissions are disabled, is that your role or the EOTI role? I would try just checking your role and make sure the delete checkbox is checked and see if that doesn't allow you to jumpstart the sync.

    Evan Martinez
    Community Marketing Manager
    Quick Base