Forum Discussion

RoulaHabbal's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 days ago

Record Details


Is there a way to get details about a specific record, such as who worked on the record, edits made, etc.?

The Admin Console Audit Logs are not giving me what I need.

Thank you,


  • Not by just looking at the record.  It will tell you, who modified it and when it was last modified, but not what they changed.

    If there are fields that you really need to track, I make them as child records so that a change of status, forecast date....  is not really a change but an addition to the child table.    That is not a good strategy for a long list of demographic fields but hopefully takes care of your most important ones.

    • RoulaHabbal's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Hi Don:

      Thank you. Are you saying the Audit Logs would provide who and when a specific record was modified? I see a field to specify the application name, but that's all.

      Thank you,


      • DonLarson's avatar
        Qrew Elite


        The audit log will tell you that information.  However the last time I saw a presentation on it, there was a limit to the total number of things you could track there.  You have to set it up for the specific things that you want to audit, it is not not automatically tracking 100% of your data changes.