Forum Discussion

TroyMacPherson's avatar
Qrew Cadet
10 months ago

Records created in the last 24 hours

I'm trying to find the number of records created in the last 24 hours using the following code, but getting a type mismatch error, any advice?

Count(If([Date Created] > ToTimestamp(ToDate(Today()) - 1), 1, null))

Troy MacPherson
  • solved my own problem I think:

    Count(If([Date Created] > Now()-Hours(24), 1, null)) 

    Troy MacPherson
  • solved my own problem I think:

    Count(If([Date Created] > Now()-Hours(24), 1, null)) 

    Troy MacPherson
  • Can you explain what you mean by the last 24 hours?  Do you mean that literally?  Like a rolling last 24 hours. 

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • TroyMacPherson's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Hi Mark, 

      Correct - rolling 24-hour period.  

      Troy MacPherson