Forum Discussion

BenjaminPulowsk's avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

Revert changes to a report

I made some changes to a list of items in our inventory which has changed the way they were organized, I need to revert the changes... is this possible?

4 Replies

  • Hi Benjamin,

    Unfortunately, there is no great way to undo a large amount of changes like that without knowing the specific changes that were made. However, I think the best course of action for you would be to reach out to QuickBase Support and see if they can revert your report to a previous state. If they cannot, I am sure they can offer some sort of assistance to you to get things back to the way they were. 

    You can reach out to them by selecting the Question Mark at the top of any QuickBase realm and selecting, 'Manage Support Cases'. From there you'll be able to create a new case and detail your issue!

    I hope this helps! Best of luck to you!

    Tyler Foster
    Associate Developer
    Synctivate Inc.

    • BenjaminPulowsk's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Thank you so much for your response, I have already reached out to them, they said that they can get me a copy of the app from yesterday so I can transfer it back over, but I'm not sure yet if that will revert all changes in QB today or just the one report, waiting for a response from them.

      Benjamin Pulowski
      • BrianSeymour's avatar
        Qrew Cadet

        Hey Benjamin,

        It sounds like a report was changed vs. the records the report uses. If so that is significantly easier to fix! Quickbase support can basically duplicate your app to a restore point before your unintended change occurred. They make frequent backups of your app.

        Once you have a copy of the app, it sounds like you'd just open up restored version of the report (in the duplicate app) and the current version of the report in the live app. Then click the "Customize Report" link in the top-right and just manually restore the current report using the backups reports settings (e.g. filter criteria, report groupings, etc). So you just methodically check work from top to bottom to ensure both reports are setup the same.

        You've got this!

        Brian Seymour