Forum Discussion

DanielleWilczew's avatar
Qrew Member
10 months ago

SaveBeforeNavigating with ifv=1 ??

We have built a custom Save/Create button that will SaveBeforeNavigating and direct the EU to a GenAddRecordForm. It works PERFECTLY in the standard native form this button lives on. If we try to access the same form with ifv=1, ifv=0, ifv=10, etc., it tells us to Save the Login first. 

We don't want the EU to access the native Save & Close button. Does anyone know why it will work in the native form, but not the ifv version?

Danielle Wilczewski
  • Can you expand a little more on your use case? I tested a similar Save & Continue button that uses SaveBeforeNavigating, but I didn't find any issues doing it when editing/saving updates to an existing record, and similarly no issues when adding/saving a record the first time. 

    Chayce Duncan
    • DanielleWilczew's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Hi Chayce,

      The issue is that the button won't do the passive save if clicked from an ifv=1 form. 

      If I click the button on the native form, it works as intended.

      When we click on the button on the same form but with ifv=1, it pops up with the "You must save this Login first" as shown in the original post.

      Danielle Wilczewski
      • ChayceDuncan's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        Can you copy the formula for that button here? I tried testing what I assumed was your scenario using both the API_GenAddRecordForm and nwr URL patterns, both with no issue when using SaveBeforeNavigating and it operating as intended with ifv=1. 

        From your screenshot - can you just confirm that when you're testing this you're actually changing something on the record? Like actually entering/changing at least one field? If you're not entering any data and then clicking the button - the behavior might be a little odd since it's not registering potentially that there is anything to save. 

        Chayce Duncan