Forum Discussion

HerberthSolano's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Search Button Question?

Hello Quickbase Community!

 I am doing a development for a project.  

Years ago a search button was made like this:  

Image #1

Does anyone have any idea how this is done? It is not a field.I look for them within the form and it does not appear, its function is only to search for a record in a table.

Thank you. Regards, 

Herberth Solano V. 

Herberth Solano
  • That Search Box field may be been made with techniques which are not longer supported.

    Maybe this video from The Quickbase Junkie is what you can do instead.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
  • DwightMunson1's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain

    We have logs that are created via javascipt embedded in our custom branding image that is used in conjunction with code pages. It may be something crazy like that.

    But you could probably build something like that search with a rich text field. 

    Dwight Munson