Forum Discussion

PaulDeBonis's avatar
Qrew Member
8 years ago

Sorting a Summary Report

I have a summary report showing calls made by date.  Its summarized by date.  I am using the system create date as the grouping date.  The report sorts in asending order by default.  I am trying to get it to sort by desending order so the latest date is on the top.  How can this be done?
  • Go to sorting section below and select Custom Order.
    Select Sort By and from high to low.

    See Picture Attached.

  • KingslySamuel1's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    On a summary report, you might have to go to the "default report setting" and set the "default sort order" in the way you wanted to get it appear correctly on your summary out put. I have not tried this, but do try and see. Hope it helps.
  • I believe you are referring to regular reports.  I am working with a summary see the screen shot below.  I do not have such an option.
  • When you have a Summary Report which is using the group by for the columns, then you cannot control the sort.

    Try removing the group by columns  (don't have to save, just to see the behavior) and you will see the option to sort.
    • KevinGullickson's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      I have the same question.

      Kevin BP
      • MikeTamoush's avatar
        Qrew Commander
        Anyone ever come up with a work around for this? Sorting Descending when using the group by columns?

        Mike Tamoush