Forum Discussion

RoxanneZiegler's avatar
Qrew Cadet
3 days ago

Subscription Reports in emails

I have so many complaints from users and receivers that the reports that are being sent out automatically are horrible looking because it's in the new style.  When I even click off that green toggle and send manually it comes out the new style. 

Is there any way anyone has fixed this horrible reports? I have searched on here and I know lots of people years ago hated it then when it was released. Since I started the new email that can be sent out to non QB users the format is horrible. Maybe I need to go back to the way I use to do it- send it to me and forward out the email. PIA that is..... 

I was also told that if I bought the extended package that QB offers they could fix those reports. I highly doubt it. 

thanks for any insight - I think it's a long shot 

  • Column width, and the fact that when I have 100's of records that are suppose to be on the report it only shows some. also I have a check box in the report - it use to be just a check on the report and now it says false, true - takes up more space than a check mark. People are complaining they can't read them on their phone as they had before.  I usually send out a large sales report at end of day automatically and it's useless the last part with total is cut off - I have now changed to a summary report but that is not what the higher ups want

    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

      Column Width is a known issue.  Perhaps they will discuss at Empower Pro.  

      Report filters should work to return the correct records. That sounds like a support ticket.

      My checkbox fields render as check marks on both the new and old reports so that true false behaviors sounds unexpected.  Again, I would ask support. 

      • RoxanneZiegler's avatar
        Qrew Cadet

        I did put in a ticket and they told me no that is just the way it is. Tech support rarely can help any longer. That is so interesting that yours worked. I will put in another support ticket and see what is happening - thanks again

  • Is your main issue with new reports about the column widths?  What are your main issues with New Style Table reports?