Forum Discussion

MaryMary's avatar
Qrew Cadet
8 years ago

Sync two Quickbase tables into a third Quickbase table.

Can I sync from two different sources into one Quickbase table? Specifically, I have three databases. Two have Timelog tables. I want to combine the information from each existing Timelog table into one table on the third database. I can set up a separate sync for each to bring the data into a unique table in the third database, but can't find an automated way to then combine this information into a single table.
  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    There are a few different routes that you can go with this, but it depends on what you want to do with the data after.

    Can you provide more information surrounding your needs?

    I have a hunch that you are going to want to create a parent table, and then bring they data up to summaries all the combined records.  But there is a lot to be determined before you start.
  • I have two departments each with their own QB database.  Both departments track time on related projects.  Each department keeps different information about the work done on their timelog tables, but many fields are parallel.  We have a third QB database where we pull information together.  I want to pull information from the timelog tables on each of the department databases into a single table in the common database.  I want to be able to view individual records and summarized data from the common database level.  I also need the data to be as up to date as possible.

    So far I have set up two timelog sync tables in the common database.  One from each department database.   Ideally, I would have one table in the common database that is synced to each timelog table in the department databases.  Is this possible?

    My second option is to find a way to pull the data from the two sync tables in the common database into a third table in the common database.  If I go this route I would like to automate the process.  Is this possible?

  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    I'm assuming you want to combine like time logs by the Resource/Person Or the Project.

    If thats the case, you'll want to create a Resource (or Projects) table and have that be the parent of both child tables.  Then you can create the summarized logs for each of the categories.

    Depending on how your project data is set up, you could even make all these relationships automatic,  which would be nice.

    **If this is a little out of your wheelhouse, let me know and I can either provide more details, or do a quick Share screen to help you get going**
    • MCFNeil's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      This sounds like it will involve more than I can easily explain in this forum.

      Send me an email at

      I can help more effectively if we do a share screen.
      • ELANAMETH's avatar
        Qrew Cadet
        Is there any updated way to do this?
        I have 2 apps with a table in each that need to be merged (on a filter, as I don't want overlap). Each table already has a corresponding sync table in the other app, so it does not really matter where I do the join. I would like to sync table A and table B into table C. Again, not all of table A or B - each would need a filter.

        Is the only way to do this via an import?

        E. P.