Forum Discussion
- QuickBaseCoachDQrew CaptainIf you use
ToText([My Multi-Select field])
then it will be a text in a formula.- WayneMajorQrew CadetI tried this, except i get an error basically stating that the ToText() function does not support conversions from a textlist (It basically says it is looking for text, numbers, bools, etc. but found textlist)
- QuickBaseCoachDQrew CaptainThe formula will save just fine. The formula editor has a bug in it which is giving a false warning.
- JimHarrisonQrew ChampionThis is not true. The error no longer saves the formula and does not implement.
For example this does not work.
If(Contains([Eye Wear Type(s)],ToText([Eye Wear Type(s)])))
- GiuseppeMacriQrew CaptainWhy not make a formula text field that parses the multi-select and returns the types minus the semi-colons.
BTW alot of my old formulas using ToText(multi-select field) have broken recently.- JimHarrisonQrew ChampionBecause that negates the multi-select and I might as well use check boxes. A multi-select is a way to clean up the form from a buzillion check boxes. I have no interest in parsing and then having to maintain that parse. Maybe this would be a little less painful if they would allow array 0-19 instead so we don't have to target specific select options based upon name.
Anyhow Coach found the workaround until QB fixes the root.