Forum Discussion

jross's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 months ago

The New Pipeline Builder UI is a downgrade overall: Please adjust it

This will probably be a hot topic, but it needs to be said since the better legacy builder UI is being removed soon.  Posting here rather than a "suggestion" because in my 6 years of doing QuickBase Development, the suggestions page has proven to be basically useless at getting the word out on issues.

Overall the new PL Builder UI only offers ONE feature that is a benefit, which is full step-reordering.  But, this should have just been added to the old UI.  Who asked for a new UI?  The new UI, overall, is just cumbersome/slow and annoying to use.

I have waited for a long time now, expecting the UI to be improved, but I've see no such fixes to the issues the new UI has, as such it is now time to talk about it.

See my images below with added notes.

Below is probably one of the absolute worse design choices overall; Why do we have to OPEN each section of the step?  What value does this add?  All this does is slow down the process by forcing me to go "open, open, open" when in the old one I can see ALL THREE items at once.  The old view is beyond better:  Open the step, take a glance, bam, done.  This adds literally ZERO benefit to admins/devs.

The old UI has too much white-space, but at least I can see everything.


  • ben_simon's avatar
    Community Manager

    Hey jross , thanks for the honest feedback on the UI for Pipelines, sounds like it's been causing you some frustration.

    As far as Product Feedback goes, I can promise you our Product team is reviewing each and every entry in our Product Feedback portal. In terms of "getting the word out on issues", 100% a post here is a great way to ask how others feel about a given change (which you didn't do, but it's how I have used community forums I am a customer for). 

    My recommendation would be to make sure you have also contributed a product feedback idea that matches what you are hoping the product can do. The old UI was better for you, tell us why. The new UI is forcing a ton of clicks, this is hard for the end user. You clearly demonstrated this above. 

    If I could make a recommendation for you in the future, it would be to do the following...

    1. Submit the Product Feedback idea
      1. Detail it out as you have done with screenshots and notes, it's easy to follow
    2. Start a post here in Community telling The Qrew about your idea. "I don't like the new UI for Pipelines. Here's why. Who's with me? If you're with me, here's my idea in Product Feedback. I know its a pain in the @## to sign into the product feedback page but I'd appreciate any support from other Quickbase users who feel similarly to vote this up. Please and thank you, JRoss.


    What do we think about this? 

    And if this is more "I'm super frustrated with Quickbase and I want to post about it,". Ok. Community is here for that too. Let it out. 

    But if we're actually wanting to make the UI for Pipelines building better for Quickbase users, we'll need it in Product Feedback. I think Community should be used more for "I just submitted this idea. I think it's a great idea. Do you agree with this idea? If yes, please vote up this idea so Quickbase will hopefully listen to this idea and make Quickbase better for us."


  • DonLarson's avatar
    Qrew Commander

    Like the "New Reports", the new Pipeline UI is not bringing much additional value.  You documented this very well.  Thank you for the post.