Forum Discussion

SeanBoat-Moore's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Ticketing System

Does any one have a support ticketing system up and running where a user can email to open a ticket and reply to the email to update the ticket?


Sean Boat-Moore
Manager SMB Development
Project Management Office and Quality Control
NCR Corporation |
  • Create a service mail account, using an alias works best IMO.
    The service account then takes a paid seat in QB.
    Setup the Notification/Subscription.
    In Advanced Options, change the From address to the service account.

    When Users reply to the email, the response is sent to the service account, which is a forwarder to the support team.

    You have to maintain and update that Alias list otherwise it works. 

    We also have a link to the ticket in the body that says "Click here to reply" but most Users don't see it.

    Jim Harrison
    transparency = knowledge + understanding : The Scrum Dudes
    • PrashantMaheshw's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Hey Jim,

      This is a great solution.

      Can you explain little in detail? When the service account receives this email , you have put auto forwarding rules ? or someone manages this manually ?

      Prashant Maheshwari
      • JimHarrison's avatar
        Qrew Champion
        Hi Prashant,

        There are two types of mail service, mailbox and alias. A mailbox has storage like Inbox etc. An Alias is a forwarder. No Inbox or mail server storage. The mail server is programmed to forward an email sent to the service account to other mailboxes listed in the Alias.  


        Jim Harrison
        transparency = knowledge + understanding : The Scrum Dudes
  • We ended up running it through the Outlook channel in pipelines using a shared email attached to a service account.  We split our notes onto a child table from the ticket information instead of a tracked text field. 

    The user is just for support tickets and we have a pipeline that looks at every email that comes in.  We added a leader to the record number to create ticket number so it could be parsed with an expression in the pipeline.  It looks if there is a ticket number in the header, and if so it updates that record.  If not it creates a record. 

    Then we created notifications through the outlook channel in pipelines (mostly to use full html to align with branding).  The notifications all have a line in white text --do not write above this line on reply-- and are exuding everything below that from the body with a regular expression.  We also have a record link and a link to add a note record directly.

    It's worked well in testing, and rolled to our users today, so fingers crossed.

    Sean Boat-Moore
    Manager SMB Development
    Project Management Office and Quality Control
    NCR Corporation |