Forum Discussion

RaniKhoury's avatar
Qrew Trainee
8 years ago

Time of day"" report

I have a field of type "Time of day" that captures minutes of an activity on daily basis and I would like to have a report (Line and Bar Chart) that can show the daily captured values on the line , thanks for any help.
  • OK, so you will just grid edit those 22 records to correct them.  Make a new field, probably just a numeric field called [AHT minutes]
  • My question is in regards to the time of day, but not so much about the fields.

    I want to run a report that shows me the number of ticket created during a specific time of day.

    Our offices open at 8am and close at 8pm. But I want to know how many tickets are being created during the 8am - 10am time slot.

    Is that something you can help with?
  • np

    Just make a new field of type formula Time of day called perhaps [Time of Day]

    ToTimeOfDay([Date Created])

    Then make a Summary Report and do a "Group Rows by" on hours.

    Then you will get every hour, and not just 8 to 10.

    I did not test, but it is highly likely that you can also make a pretty bar chart similarly.
  • Ahhhhh dang. I was using the wrong kind of report. Thank you so much. This helped immensely!