Forum Discussion

ErikaChristian's avatar
Qrew Member
8 years ago

unverified user unable to receive invite -alternative way to register without invite?

We have issues with two users listed as Unverified.  We've attempted to send the invites several times but they are not sending.  We checked by sending test messages that were received so we know that the emails in QB are valid but not sure why the invites are being received.  I've submitted a ticket but no response back and it's critical these users have access ASAP since they are on the road.  Is there another way to register them without the invite?
  • Hi Erika,

    Using the link below will allow you to complete the registration process for a user, as long as you have their correct email address. You will be able to enter their name and create a password for them, which they could change later if they wish.

    Just change 'yourdomain' to match your actual quickbase domain and it should take. 

    Let me know how this works for you!

    Thanks and good luck!
    • davidbradsher's avatar
      Qrew Member
      I tried this and it did not work. It asked that an email be reset to verify ( which we tried) but did not recived that email either
  • FYI - we have been having similar problems with the deliverability of invite emails to new users. Nice to know an approach to do the registration for them to bypass this annoying problem. BTW, I don't think this is a QB problem but instead a Gmail problem for us.
  • Sorry to piggy back on an old thread, but I am currently facing this with some users, and the above recommendation of having them go to yourdomain of course) only tells them that their account is unverified, and needs to resend email.. Obviously they're not getting the email, and this becomes a loop. 

    Is there anyway from within quick base, that I can either A.) delete his account and restart or B.) change the status from unverified to verified. 
    • MichaelBarrow's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      You might want to open a support ticket. There have been a few times in the past where I've had to have QB support go behind the scenes and update the status of users, and they seem to have more tools available to them than a normal client admin has.
    • EvanMartinez's avatar
      Quickbase Staff
      Hi Dell CDM manager I would agree with Michael you should certainly open a support case on this issue to get in touch with our Care Team. If they are not receiving emails it could be that their email inbox doesn't have our Email server IP addresses whitelisted and that could have resulted in them ending up on our email suppression list to avoid being spammed. When this happens a Care Team member can go in and verify what reason they see for a user not being able to receive an email and then ideally we can help you to troubleshoot that issue. 
    • KerriNicholls's avatar
      Qrew Member
      I am having this issues. I have checked that the domain is not whitelisted. The emails are not going through and I have employees that cannot work. I have deleted and re added. We have tried logging in and it says they need to verify the email and resend verification email and no emails. Everyone else in my organization received emails from quickbase without issue. This is not an issue on our side but one with Quickbase. I wish I had time to wait for a ticket to be worked. Does anyone have know of any other way to correct this issue?