Forum Discussion

KirkTrachy1's avatar
Quickbase Staff
4 years ago

Upload Multiple File Attachments to QuickBase

You can create a button that allows you to add and link multiple file attachments at once to QuickBase.

By getting a copy of the "Magic Buttons" app from the QuickBase Exchange you can copy the button and the html code page and make it your own for your QuickBase application.

We cover topics, questions and answers like this in our daily M-F "Office Hours" webinars held at 1pm Eastern time. All are welcome.

Kirk Trachy , Senior Solutions Consultant
QuickBase | 603-674-5454 M |
  • This is awesome, but I am surprised that QB hasn't decided to make this a simple, native capability, and include a drag and drop option.

    For those wanting a drag and drop option, @Juiced Tech has a nice addon that allows for drag and drop, and optionally include required fields.

    Mike Tamoush
  • Thx Kirk for posting this! 

    For the Advanced impatient students you can watch up to the 30 second mark and then jump ahead to minute 5:00 in the video to see the three elements of the code page to be updated, those being the optional App Token if your app requires one, the Field ID of the file attachment field and the full URL of the table that holds the attachment.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • KirkTrachy1's avatar
      Quickbase Staff
      I think Mark is telling me that I put him to sleep.  :-)

      Kirk Trachy , Senior Solutions Consultant
      QuickBase | 603-674-5454 M |
    • JenniferMeyer's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Mark how did you know how impatient I am!  Thank you for that!

      Jennifer Meyer
  • Thanks for sharing!

    Adam Keever
  • Hi Kirk, I'm trying to get this working but no documents are being added to the related document table in my app.  I noticed the button code has been updated, and this video no longer applies.  The notation on the button indicates the page code no longer needs to be updated, however there is still the following callout in the code page:"POST", attachmentTableURL, true); // UPDATE WITH THE URL TO THE DESTINATION TABLE

    I'm pretty new to quickbase, so I may have gotten something else wrong, but appreciate clarification on whether the code page requires an update to make this work.  Thanks for all you do - your apps and videos are huge inspiration and resource!

    Troy MacPherson
    • SrinathM_R1's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Hi Troy, 

      Were you able to fix this issue? I am trying to add the multifile upload button and even I have the same issue the files are not getting uploaded in the child table. Thanks in advance.

      Srinath M.R
  • Kirk. Thanks for this. You helped me get a Drag n Drop version of this working. I'm wondering, have you tried incorporating this into the new "iframe" functionality with URL fields? Specifically, embedding the pop-up page into the original form instead of linking to it from the button.

    I'm finding that the new feature re-writes the address of the embedded page (adding a ".ui" sub-domain) thus losing the ability to use the QuickBase API (because it's now on a different domain and security won't allow cross-site scripting). I wonder if you've run into the same thing and might have some thoughts?

    Nick Mangine
    • MikeTamoush's avatar
      Qrew Commander


      Are you willing/able to post how you got a drag and drop option working for multiple file upload?

      Mike Tamoush
      • NickMangine1's avatar
        Qrew Trainee

        Mike, I apologize this isn't written with sharing in mind, but at least I can put the code out there...

        This page takes an rid parameter in the url. Then you have to specify the tables and fields in the code. It works if I open up the page and manually specify the record ID, but as I said in the my comments, it doesn't work when embedded as an iframe (which was my hope when I created the page :)

        - Nick

        var url = new URL(window.location);

        const table = "?????";
        const foreignKeyField = 9;
        const attachmentField = 7;
        const descriptionField = 6;
        const foreignKey = url.searchParams.get("rid");

        // start throbber it will only throb if there are files being uploaded.
        var numberOfFiles = 0;

        function allowDrop(ev) {

        function drop(ev) {

        for(var i = 0; i < ev.dataTransfer.files.length; i++) {


        async function uploadFile(file) {

        //start the throbber
        numberOfFiles += 1;

        // escape the file name
        var fileName =, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/'/g, '&apos;');

        // get the file contents
        var reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = async function() { //once the file has been read
        var fileContents = reader.result.substring(reader.result.indexOf(',')+1);

        // build api xml
        var xmlDoc = document.implementation.createDocument(null, 'qdbapi');
        var nodRelatedProject = xmlDoc.createElement("field");
        nodRelatedProject.innerHTML = foreignKey;
        var nodDescription = xmlDoc.createElement("field");
        nodDescription.innerHTML = fileName;
        var nodAttachment = xmlDoc.createElement("field");
        nodAttachment.innerHTML = fileContents;
        var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
        var data = serializer.serializeToString(xmlDoc);

        // push the file
        ""+table+"?a=API_AddRecord", {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/xml' },
        body: data
        ).then(response => {

        // strop the throbber
        numberOfFiles -= 1;

        // write an error or success message
        if (response.ok) {
        writeResult(fileName+" uploaded!");
        } else {
        writeResult(fileName+" failed: "+response.statusText);
        }).catch(e => {

        // stop the throbber
        numberOfFiles -= 1;

        // write the error
        writeResult(fileName+" failed: "+e.message);


        function writeResult(resultText) {
        document.body.innerHTML += "<br />"+resultText;

        function throb() {
        if (numberOfFiles > 0) {
        var throbberText = document.getElementById("throbber").innerHTML;

        if (throbberText.length >= 5) {
        document.getElementById("throbber").innerHTML = ".";
        } else {
        document.getElementById("throbber").innerHTML = throbberText+".";

        } else {
        document.getElementById("throbber").innerHTML = "...";

        <body onload="setInterval( function () { throb(); }, 200)" ondrop="drop(event)" ondragover="allowDrop(event)">
        Drop project files here<span id="throbber">...</span>


        Nick Mangine
  • I know this is old. It works great. 

    The only issue we have is we are uploading 1-60 images based on the job. several times a day. 
    They hold time once you choose the docs can be a few mins and it has no indication it's doing something. 

    is there a way we could add a progress bar?

    Ali Mohsenian
  • Good evening,

    How do you get the Multiple file button to display at the top? I already added the script but this section does not appear.

    Thank you,

    Victoria Clark
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
      Can you help me understand the question.  Did you make the button field and put it on your form?ā€‹

      Mark Shnier (YQC)
      • VictoriaClark's avatar
        Qrew Member
        Thank you for reaching out. That is what I am looking for, how to create a button field.

        I followed the video posted by Mr. Trachy, copied the script, added it to the pages section in my project, and updated the 3 items. But I am not seeing the button/tab to be able to select "Multiple Documents".

        Victoria Clark