Forum Discussion

StephanieStepha's avatar
Qrew Trainee
9 years ago

URL Formula to open file attachment

Ok - I may be missing something easy here, but I need help.

I have a file attachement field that may or may not have a pdf attached.  Is it possible to have a URL Formula (so I can have a button) that will show up only IF there is an attachment and the URL would be a link to that attachment?

If it's not possible to have it show up only if there is an attachment - what would the formula be to link to that field either way?  - I know there is the link that is the file name, but I really just want it to show up as a button.


  • By expose he URL, I simply mean to remove the label of the button and also to uncheck "Show as Button". That way you will see the URL and be able to copy and then paste it.