Forum Discussion

ArchiveUser's avatar
Qrew Captain
7 years ago

Using different forms for ""Editable"" reports

I have two embedded table reports on a single form that I've set as "Editable" in the form properties.  When I include a related field as a column in these reports, I cannot set a filter on the drop down.  I know you can do this if you set the grid edit behavior for the table to use a particular form, but that ties me to one form and one set of fields.  Any idea on how to get around this?  I feel like either I?m missing something or its just a limitation of the grid edit reports.  I?ve seen similar questions on here, but they don?t address this exactly because they?re typically only dealing with setting the grid edit behavior at a table level.  Thanks in advance!
  • ChrisChris's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain

    You can create a report from scratch to be "grid edit" only. When the report creation dialog box opens that allows you to select what type of report, select "Grid Edit", third option down.
  • Thanks for the quick response.  The reports I mention above are already set to grid edit report types.  When setting up those embedded grid edit reports, I select my desired fields - including the related field.  That related field in the grid edit offers no way of filtering it.  Unless I'm missing something...again, thanks for trying to help.  
  • ChrisChris's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    I'm uncertain what you mean by 'set a filter'. Do you mean conditional dropdown selection lists? Where the selection of drop down 1 determines what is selectable in drop down 2?
  • @Christine,
    Have you tried making a form which DOES have a drop down list with the filers you want, and then specifying that from to be used for Grid Edit on some or all reports?

    It is not an obvious thing, but you can create a dummy form which is just really a field list in sequence, and when you use that form for grid edit, then means that the report columns and the filters for drop downs would be taken from that dummy form.  The form layout is ignored, its just a list of fields really and what report gets used for dropdowns.

    • ArchiveUser's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Hi Mark, thanks - yeah, the problem with that is then it sets that dummy list of fields for all grid edit reports unless you override it by making an embedded table or grid edit report "editable" on the form...but once you do that, you can't control what report is used to display the drop down fields' options.  
    • ArchiveUser's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Though I just realized you said "specifying that form to be used for Grid Edit on some or all reports" - I'm trying to figure out how you would do that for only specific reports and not all of them.  See attached picture - it appears to me there that you can only set grid edit behavior to be associated with one form.  
    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      You can set which form is used by report, right?

      "Override role settings by report
  • No, sorry for the confusion.  For example, in a regular add/edit form you can set a related field to display options based on a report and its associated filters.  The grid edit shows ALL options for a related field, and it uses the 3 record picker fields that you set in the advanced table properties.  The grid edit report will use a particular form if you set the grid edit behavior in the "Forms" section of the table to use a particular form to determine the fields that show up.  That won't work for me because I can't have all the grid edit behavior tied to one form because I need different fields in the editable forms to be displayed.  It seems to me that this is just a limitation of the grid edit reports further complicated by the "Editable" option in the form settings.  Hopefully that makes sense.