Forum Discussion

KateTheriault's avatar
Qrew Cadet
7 years ago

What's the difference between table and grid edit?

I feel crazy for asking this question, but I couldn't find an already answered question that detailed this out. I preface this by saying this might be a really dumb question. 

If I create a Table Report, I can still allow it to be editable and modify multiple records at a time. I can even add multiple records from a table report! Isn't this supposed to be the functionality of grid edit? I'm finding that I would rather only use Table Reports because at least with those I can change the alignment of the columns and override the column heading. 

In what cases would I want to use grid edit then? 
  • No problem.

    A table report is for viewing a list of records. There is a button at the top to change the table report into Grid Edit Mode.

    A table report an also be used as an embedded Child table on a parent record form. If you edit the form properties for that embedded report you can allow it to go into grid edit mode when the parent record is put into edit mode.

    99.9% of the time grid edit is not used as an actual saved report. People go into grid edit mode while viewing a table report in order to do the editing and then they save.