Forum Discussion

MikeTamoush's avatar
Qrew Commander
3 years ago

Why are only certain Sessions from Empower available to view?

I was under the impression that if we missed a session live, we could go back and watch it. This does not seem to be the case, as the two I was most interested in (New Forms, and API's/3rd Party Integrations) are not available.

Does anyone know if they will be available in time? Or was this the plan all along, to only allow certain sessions to be viewed as a recording?

Mike Tamoush
  • AustinK's avatar
    Qrew Commander
    I remember them saying they would all eventually migrate over to Quickbase University but they did not give a timeline. Probably within the next week?

    I noticed some played and some did not as well, I was interested in some of the videos from Session 4 that are block while Session 5 works.
  • Hi Mike,

    Was the session on the Art of the Possible on API and integrations hosted by Adam Hoover and Tyler Brezler of MIT the one you are looking for? If so you can find it here . As for the session on Forms that one might be getting an edit and fix up before we are able to upload a finalized version of it. Some sessions we didn't get a pre record for Virtual empower and so they are coming in a bit more slowly as they get edited. I'll double check on when we expect the session on forms to get added.

    Evan Martinez