Forum Discussion

SteveLaurel's avatar
Qrew Cadet
4 months ago

XML email

Anyone know the settings I can use to send an email notification like this? I have tried everything.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?adf version="1.0"?>
 <prospect status="new">
   <id sequence="1" source="Aimbase">aimbase_manitou-209168</id>
   <vehicle interest="buy" status="new">
     <contact primarycontact="1">
       <name part="first" type="individual">Jason</name>
       <name part="last" type="individual">Chaffin</name>
       <address type="home">
         <street line="1">8220 E Oxfard Cir 2105</street>
       <phone type="cellphone">(316) 285-5068</phone>
       <description />
     <comments>Comments: None
     <id sequence="1" source="Aimbase">0432</id>
     <vendorname>BLACKBEARD MARINE VI, LLC</vendorname>
     <contact primarycontact="1">
       <name part="full" type="business">BLACKBEARD MARINE VI, LLC</name>
     <name part="full">Aimbase</name>
     <service>Request Quote</service>

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