Forum Discussion

SnehaWankhede's avatar
Qrew Cadet
8 years ago

Add Disclaimer page on the landing page

I created a Bid Quote tool, and when the bid goes to the suppliers, i want an intermediate quick base page that should show up which has the agreement, if they accept, it should route them to the suppliers page(wherein they can access the suppliers tables).
Let me know if this is feasible to do in quickbase?
Need few inputs.
  • Will the Suppliers be Quick Base users?  Or were you planning to try to get this work having them as anonymous "Everyone on the Internet" users.
  • Basically yes they will be quickbase users, and moreover we have sso authentication implemented., only thing is they have a different role setup in the tool.
  • In general the answer is yes.  You can trigger an email Notification  when the Bid is ready to be sent to the supplier and then that message can contain links and words to instruct the recipient of what do do next.
    • SnehaWankhede's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Can we create buttons in email notification, so once they accept, it should route to that record in the quickbase to udpate the pricing?
      Need few ideas to implement the same
    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Yes that is possible.  But for me to help you you would need to be very explicit about exactly what needs to happen when the button is clicked.  I would need top know the value to be entered in the field, the field ID# and then where you want to route the user after the button is clicked.  The help you require, may be beyond what i can offer on this forum if you have never worked with URL formulas before.

      I have put an app in the exchange which is called URL formuals for Dummies, and that could help you get started with making URL formula buttons, so you know what questions to ask.