Forum Discussion

MaritzaAcosta's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 months ago

Formula field to pull selected pending items from checkmark fields

 Hello. I have a report/table that has about 32 items that it can have concerns for. I want to see if its possible to have a field where it can let you know which items are pending from all 32 options without manually having to do Multiselect field or scroll all the way down the reports just to see which ones have been selected. 

Not sure if a formula field can work or would it be a pipeline?

  • Can you give us a little more detail? Are you saying that there is a parent record and then it has 32 children, and some of those children have a checkbox, and you want to roll up a Summary all of the names of the children which either have or do not have a checkbox?

    • MaritzaAcosta's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Yes. There is a parent record and it has 32 children checkmark fields

      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        OK, np,

        Just go to the relationship or one parent has many children and create a Combined Text Summary field of all of the tasks which are incomplete. So set the filter for that summary field perhaps some checkbox field that is unchecked.

        If you observe the field that is now created on the parent it will have a bubble like appearance which I personally dislike.  


        If you want to make a nice vertical list that looks better on a report, you can them make a new sumamry tect ield lke this


        SearchAndReplace(ToText([My combined text summary field]), " ; ", "\n")

        Or if you just want them to appear as comma separated but not vertical.


        SearchAndReplace(ToText([My combined text summary field]), " ; ", ", ")


  • Maybe I was over complicating what you want. If you simply want a report of items not completed, then make a new report and filter it  where the checkbox field is not checked.

    Alternatively you can make a report that lists all your items and put a dynamic filter selection on the report set up so that the checkbox field which indicates completion is offered as a Dynamic Filter.

    Was that your question, just how to filter a report?

    • MaritzaAcosta's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      No, I know how to filter but if I do that I would have to do it 32 times because if I mark all filters as checked for all 32 fields I want. its only going to give me a record that has every 32 check mark fields checked. I would like something at a glance that isn't scrolling down to find it. No summary report can give me something with all 32 fields or a chart even as they have caps of 5/10 fields per item. If I out of the group of 32 fields checked I only have 10 selected I would like a field to tell me when I open a record right away that I have 10/32 concerns. 

  • Are you saying that you have a Record or a from that has 32 FIELDS on it and those 32 might or might not be completed. Is that the situation?  If that is the case are you looking for a single formula field to summarize the fields which are still open?