Hey Quick Base Community, As you may know, we have new calendar reports coming in the next release on February 25th. You may not know that our old calendar reports were built years ago before web-...
So help me out with the proper use of the word n�e in regards to you being the product manager who in my cosmology comes back from the future and replaces the formula language with script.
Actually I think the paradigm you wind up replacing the formula language with looks like a monadic pipeline of workflows snapped together out of map, filter and reduce blocks which were dragged around the viewscreen:
data .map((n) => n*2) .filter((n) => 10 % n == 0) .reduce((sum, n) => (sum += n), 0);
In your replacement QuickBase had a standard set of graphical building blocks that could be dragged aground and connected. However, a user could create their own building blocks and bind a LINQ like block of code to it. Also, your replacement QuickBase merged the concepts of queries and formulas into one computational entity which graphically snapped together to form complex workflows.
I assure you the QuickBase Monad is coming and it will be awesome as it unifies all computations into a piepline of workflows that snap together on the viewscreen.