Forum Discussion

JordanMcAlister's avatar
Qrew Captain
5 years ago

Print Multiple Exact Forms

I know this has already been covered in a previous post quite a while back and just wanted to re open it in a separate post to see if I can get some help with my specific use case. Here is the old post:

For my situation, here is my setup at the moment:
Work Requests>Poles>Field Work

Work Requests have many poles and each pole has 1 field work record. I would've liked to put all field work info in the poles table but the field work table has over 500 fields in it and was a big endeavor at the time of creation so it was separated at the beginning and has a 1 to 1 relationship with poles. My exact form prints locate sheets in a particular format and is within the field work table and each pole will have 1 locate sheet. I want to be able to print all the field work locate sheets for the poles of a work request straight from the grandparent work request table via URL button.

Some things I've tried->
I noticed on an ask the user report that "&nv=1&v0=75138760" was at the end of the URL after the qid and I tried combining the print URL with this to make: see if it would print multiple exact forms this way but it shows the exact form for a split second then just turns into a blank white screen, so I'm not sure what else I could do. I can't figure out a good way to make the report necessary to make the normal qid print method mentioned by Keith Jusas to work.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


Jordan McAlister
  • Have you tried this Syntax but with your own Realm name and your own page name for the exact form - I also assume that you are using the native Quick Base Exact Forms and not the Juiced Exact Forms Plus.  for the qid for testing purposes you should just make a report to do one particular group of records to get the multiple record print working, and then a separate step will be to make this more generic.  For that sfid parameter, I assume that will be visible when you print 1 exact form.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • JordanMcAlister's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      yes, I have tried this syntax and I am using the native exact forms and everything works as it should if the filter is specific for the report, so for instance, i set the filter to equal a certain work request number for testing and it printed all the locate sheets for that specific work request number, but instead of a single defined work request number, I need that filter the change based on what work request I am viewing.

      Jordan McAlister