Forum Discussion

JackPustinger's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Replacement for Javascript Buttons (location.reload)

Hello, with the announcement of Quickbase discontinuing support of Javascript outside of code pages, I have been going through my application and trying to get rid of Javascript wherever it is used. Nearly all of the buttons I use involve Javascript in the following manner:
"<a class='Vibrant Snow' style=\"width:150px; text-align: center;\" href=javascript:$.get('" & $apiEditRecordLinkHere & "',function(){location.reload();});void(0);>Button Text</a>". 

This does API_EditRecord or any other api call you make the variable and then reloads to the original page. Does anyone know how to replicate this functionality without the use of Javascript?

Jack Pustinger
  • To be clear, existing Javascript will not be disabled. You just won't be able to make changes to those fields once those drop dead dates arrive. 

    Earlier today I  received an  an email from the User Voice system that the March release will include a native non javascript ability to execute a URL and refresh the page. That was something I voted for so I was notified. 

    So that is certainly welcome news.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • JackPustinger's avatar
      Qrew Member
      That's definitely good to hear, looking forward to that release. Thank you!

      Jack Pustinger