Forum Discussion

ColemanDuCharme's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Send email to a specific email address based on the value in a field when a new record is added to table?

We have a lot of restrooms in our parks. I have created a simple system that allows anyone (everyone on the internet) to scan a QR in whichever restroom they are in, and it automatically takes them to a record creation page for that specific restroom, allowing them to report problems like water leaks etc. that we may not have noticed yet.

I have two tables. "Restroom list", a master list with a record for each restroom, and "reported restroom issues", which is a repository for all submitted restroom issues (by whoever scans the QR in any restroom and fills out the form, which creates a record in this table). The table, "restroom list" is connected to the table, "reported restroom issues" via a one-to-many relationship. One of the fields in the "reported restroom issues" table is "Park".

When a record is added to the "reported restroom issues" table, I would like to have an email automatically sent to the manager of the park in which the restroom issue record was reported. 

The only functionality that I have seen is the ability to send an email to people when any record is added to "reported restroom issues". I only want the issues to be sent to the park manager who is in charge of the park listed in the created issue record.

I appreciate any help.


Coleman DuCharme
  • JeffPeterson1's avatar
    3 years ago

    You could assign a manager to each park,  then when the notification goes out you use a field holding the email address to determine who it goes to.  This way, you only need 1 notification.


    We send tickets out to field reps,  when a job is cancelled,  it sends a notification to the assigned field rep:

    Jeff Peterson
  • As an update: I found out that I have to request access to allow emails to be sent to non quickbase users, and have just had that switch flipped (I now have the ability to do so) by submitting a support ticket to quickbase.

    So, I am creating separate email notifications, one for each park manager. In the "notification when" field, I am using "additional criteria" to specify that when the "park" field contains a specific park, it will be sent to the manager listed in that specific email notification. 

    It seems like this is my solution. However, if I am doing this wrong, or there is a better way to do this, I would appreciate any feedback.

    Coleman DuCharme
    • JeffPeterson1's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      You could assign a manager to each park,  then when the notification goes out you use a field holding the email address to determine who it goes to.  This way, you only need 1 notification.


      We send tickets out to field reps,  when a job is cancelled,  it sends a notification to the assigned field rep:

      Jeff Peterson
      • ColemanDuCharme's avatar
        Qrew Trainee
        Thanks Jeff, that seems like the best way to do it. However, the option, "the email address listed in the field: x" is not showing up for me. The only option I have is a text box where I manually enter an email address that it gets sent out to.

        Coleman DuCharme