Forum Discussion

SuryaExpert's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
7 years ago

Single Sign On in QuickBase

Has anyone implemented SSO with QuickBase? I want to know how it would work, when quickbase doesn't need you to enter a password anymore. What password would you use?
  1. How do you integrate with QuNect, which needs a password?
  2. How do you run the API_Authenticate API Call in custom scripts?
  3. If you opened a quickbase link from your email outside of your work environment, what would happen?

  • My company has implemented SSO with QB... 

    1. We've only used QuNect in SQL Server, and the password would still need to be updated.
    2. We use user tokens, at least currently. (we're just branching out our automation processes)
    3. With our set up, if you don't have a browser open with QB logged in, you would go to your landing page for SSO, and it would request you to login (similar to if you have O365)... then it would take you to the link in question.