Forum Discussion

CoreyJohnson's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Soap XML handling

Hoping this awesome community can help out, im trying to show in my org how quickbase can be used for integration and im attempting to integrate with a clients system. Messaging back and worth seems to be working great with webhooks. My issue is the initial call that happens. Im trying to use pipelines to make three calls a day to import any new orders into quickbase..this is a soap call and it seems to work.... the pipeline gets a response but its in xml and cant really be used by pipelines to create individual records from the new orders. i was wonder if anyone had run into a similar issue or is theres a better workaround for this... any help would be great!

Corey Johnson
  • This doesn't really answer your question and I hope somebody with more expertise in pipelines might have some better advice for you, but my personal suggestion would be look into using the Quick Base API directly if you have any programming experience.  I've found that writing my own integrations using the API has been faster, more reliable, and easier to maintain than attempting the same in pipelines.

    Nathan Hawe
    • CoreyJohnson's avatar
      Qrew Member
      APIs are a bit outside of my wheelhouse still trying to figure all this out, i had assumed pipelines would have been the easier route but i guess not. I guess my question is then do quickbase APIs have the capability to handle a soap XML response when making the call, import data from another web service?

      Corey Johnson
      • NathanHawe's avatar
        Qrew Cadet

        That's understandable.  Hopefully a pipeline user will see this and offer their insight.  As for your API question, the short answer is that APIs don't talk with other APIs.  You would write a script that bridges the two.  For example, you would have a script that makes a call to your SOAP endpoint, parses the XML response, and then uses the parsed XML response to create a new request to Quick Base.  You can do this with any combination of APIs regardless of response type since it's the script that does the translating.  Pipelines are effectively doing the same thing but abstracting the coding/hosting which is why they're comparatively more limited in what they can do.  That's not to say they don't offer value; just that there are tradeoffs for either approach.

        Nathan Hawe