Forum Discussion

LisaSchibley's avatar
Qrew Cadet
5 years ago

Survey for EOTI with data from a different app

Hi all,

I know this is probably a very basic question, but my apologies as I am still on the low end of the learning curve.

I have two apps. The Survey app is a series of surveys that I want partners at my locations to fill out.  The Location app holds info about my locations. The Survey app is open to all on the internet and does not hold sensitive data, so all partners can fill out surveys with just the url.  The Survey app connects to one table in the Location app and pulls data from there where needed.  The data correctly shows up when I am using the Survey app, but not when EOTI looks at it.  I do not want to set the Location app to EOTI, because I don't want to worry about making a mistake and showing or hiding the wrong subset of data.  Looking for the right way to make this work, thank you!

  • It's not a dumb question and I think there may even be a bug you are up against.  In my experience when you set up a cross app relationship there is a setting to define the role that the relationship will use.  But that may not actually be working.

    So a much better way, even if that did work,  is to simply set up a Connected Sync table to replicate the locations table your EOTI app.  Post back if you have never done that and get stuck as they are very easy to setup your 2nd one.  The very first one just may trip you up a bit, nothing hard, just a first time understanding.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
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