Forum Discussion

LaszloM's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Thumbnail pictures refreshing slowly

My thumbnail pictures created with this: If(Length([Attachment File])=0,"","<img width=\"30\" src=\""&URLRoot()&"up/"&Dbid()&"/a/r"&[Attachment ID#]&"/e7/v0\"/>") refresh unbearably slowly. When...
  • MarkShnier__You's avatar
    3 years ago
    OK, try this and see if it eliminates the caching issue. I was able to test this and change the file attachment and the "old" way stayed cached, but the new way immediately used the new image.

    "<img src=" & URLRoot() & "up/" & Dbid()
    & "/g/r" & QB32Encode([Record ID#])
    & "/e" & QB32Encode(12) // 12 is the fid of the file attachment field
    & "/va/" & URLEncode([Picture]) // my file field is called [picture]
    & " width=30>"

    Mark Shnier (YQC)