Forum Discussion

CarolMcconnell's avatar
Qrew Captain
3 years ago

Update one User field when another one is updated

I have a app that shows who the current user is based on a State selected.

In order to make sure I record the correct user at the time the record is created. I have created another field let's say user at time of creation.  When a new record is created I want the user in the user field to update the user in the user at time of creation field.

I put a form rule that says if User at time of creation is null, update user at time of creation with user in user field.  However it is not working.

Any ideas?

Carol Mcconnell
  • try this

    If User at time of creation is null, update user at time of creation with "the current user".  "The current user" will be a drop down choice.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • CarolMcconnell's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      That is what I tried but it's not working. I created a checkbox formula field to check if the Recruiter fields is blank and if so change the Recruiter field to the user in the State-Recruiter Name field.  The State Recruiter Name field is a lookup field, so I'm not sure if that is affecting it or not. 

      Carol Mcconnell
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        Did you uncheck that "hidden" checkbox at the bottom of the form rule screen for that form rule.

        ie Fire all the time?

        Mark Shnier (YQC)