Forum Discussion

anthony3123anth's avatar
Qrew Trainee
8 years ago

URL to manually refresh a connected table

Is anyone aware of method for non-admin to manually refresh a connected (gmail) table?

I have a gmail connected table with minimum refresh time (one hour). Sometimes we are aware of an email from customer but have to wait up to an hour to sync to table before we can work on it - difficult to explain to a customer.

The 'Refresh Data' button seems to only appear for admin, hoping there is a URL to trigger a refresh.

    • KeithWeber's avatar
      Qrew Member
      I have the same error as JoJo when trying this solution.  The URL works for my Administrator account for not for any other person.  It works if I "Test as" them or their role however.

      Edit:  For anyone else having the same issue that JoJo and myself had I found the issue to be that the user clicking the Refresh URL needs to have delete rights in that table for their assigned role.  I had not given delete rights since the user couldn't actually delete the sync'd projects anyway.
    • MCFNeil's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Keep in mind that sometimes the refresh action on the server takes longer than the refresh action in the browser.  So you might have to manually refresh the browser after a bit to see the updated information.
  • I'm very curious about this one too .... i tried to make that URL after looking at the source code of the page to obtain the ReplicationID and received the same error.