Forum Discussion

ChrisFaye1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
4 years ago

Using Rich Text Button in Report w/out losing report filtering


Working through a button update. Our team is using the button in a filtered report. When the button is clicked the report is refreshed and thus clears out all the filtering - so instead of being able to click through all the records efficiently the user needs to click one, re-filter the report and then click the next. Any solves to fix this?

Thank You!

Current Formula:
var text URLONE = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid()
& "?act=API_EditRecord&rid=" & [Record ID#]
& "&_fid_17=" & URLEncode(UserToName(User()))
& "&_fid_16=true"
& "&apptoken=*****"
& "&rdr="
& URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=doredirect&z=" & Rurl());

var text URL = $URLONE;

//button colors
var text bgcolorone = "#e5a652";
var text txtcolorone = "white";
var text styleone =
"style=\"text-decoration: none; width: 150px; text-align: center; background:" & $bgcolorone & "; border-radius: 5px; padding: 8px 20px; color: " & $txtcolorone & "; display: inline-block; font: normal 700 24px/1 \"Calibri\", sans-serif; text-shadow: none;";

var text bgcolortwo = "#ffffff";
var text txtcolortwo = "black";
var text styletwo =
"style=\"text-decoration: none; width: 300 px; text-align: center; background:" & $bgcolortwo & "; border-radius: 5px; padding: 8px 20px; color: " & $txtcolortwo & "; display: inline-block; font: normal 700 24px/1 \"Calibri\", sans-serif; text-shadow: none;";

If([Update Completed]=true,

"<a " & $styletwo & "'> Completed </a>",

"<a class='SaveBeforeNavigating'" & $styleone & " href= '" & $URL & "'> Complete? </a>"

  • I just ran into the exact same problem with the new report Style. I don't have a solution yet either.  Using the old report style it retains the dynamic filters but not on the new report style. Maybe we can call it a bug and get Quickbase to fix it.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
      The Care Team responded as did an internal contact I know there.  They were not able to get that feature working in time for the GA release but the good news is that its in status "Planned" in User Voice.  ie they have it planned to get to feature parity with the old behaviour.


      Thank you for your patience, I was able to confirm that it is working as intended for now. Previously, it worked in the old style reporting because it was passed through the URL but that was removed with the new reporting as it could be a security risk. We are working on resolving this as it is a valuable feature, but it will be after the GA rollout. There is not a time line at the moment but we do intend to have it back. There is a User Voice topic on this if you would like to document your support for the feature.

      I will see if I have any User Voice votes left to put to this one.

      Mark Shnier (YQC)
      Quick Base Solution Provider
      Your Quick Base Coach
      • ChrisFaye1's avatar
        Qrew Cadet
        Hi Mark! Thank You so much for the update!

        So whenever the update rolls out are you assuming that the code above would be the way to go or would you write it differently?

        Thanks Again!
